Well it’s that time again, time for another mega tech conference. This year unlike previous years Microsoft has changed their big tech gathering from TechEd, which was generally focused on generalist IT Pros, to Microsoft Ignite. Ignite is the consolidation of a number of other smaller annual Microsoft tech conferences (MEC, Lync, SPC, TechEd, MMS, etc…) into one large 20,000 person conference.

I was invited in September to participate in the Ignite Round table. A group of a dozen or so people from all industries to sit down with the leadership of this conference and discuss all aspects of what makes a great tech event.
In the months since then the team has given insight and helped socialize this event.
After months of seeing this event take shape and get closer to “go time”, that time is now here. After seeing the Microsoft Build 2015 and the keynote and how dramatic the technology shift is that Microsoft is undergoing, Ignite is bound to be just as exciting. The technologies that are being brought to market today are going to be the same technologies that will define the new generation of IT Pros.
I’m all packed, and ready for a week in Chicago with friends, coworkers, colleagues, and 20,000 of my peers. It’s been very rewarding to be part of so many different tech and social groups (@TheKrewe mainly) that have had a hand in forming this event, and getting people excited for it.
Now time to drink from the fire hose for 5 days and learn as much as I can.
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