My “new&rdq
My “new” car for the Vegas race. Ran it last night for the first time and holy crap its good. Being still a novice at this class of racing, I was able to be on pace with the other folks … Continued
My “new&rdq
My “new” car for the Vegas race. Ran it last night for the first time and holy crap its good. Being still a novice at this class of racing, I was able to be on pace with the other folks … Continued
Some pics from la
Some pics from last nights 311, G Love, and Cyprus Hill concert at Red Rocks. Good times! Now for 2 more days at Red Rocks this week for Film On The Rocks and Brit Floyd.
Starting full on
Starting full on prep for the Vegas race (IIC). I’ve picked my classes and I am running 3 classes using the exact same spec cars. This should give me the advantage of being able to use 2 other classes to … Continued
Now a 3 Surface H
Now a 3 Surface House. Kate has a Surface RT, and I have a Surface Pro and an RT now. Kate gave up the Lenovo laptop she had been using and is doing everything she used to do on it, … Continued
2010 – the iPad years for travel. I was thinking the other day about how when Kate and I went to Italy in 2010, that I bought an iPad pretty much for that trip. We didn’t bring any computer, just … Continued
I spent a ton of
I spent a ton of time at the track last night, primarily to upgrade the charger I use with a new piece of bling from S Korea. My other chargers were ~6 – 7 years old, and it was time … Continued
Bout time to figure out where/when to take a little 2 wheel trip this year. Again looking at the week after Labor day as that’s worked pretty well in the past. Looking to check out Yellow Stone, the Grand Tetons, the Salt … Continued
Somewhere in Denver… David is missing his Mix CD. Poor David! I spotted this CD sitting every so alone and vulnerable in a parking lot near the ball park. it got me thinking… how did it get there? Did it fall from … Continued
Starting to think of a small camping trip next week on the bike, just a few days. Currently mulling over Steamboat or near Leadville. I haven’t thought about the logistics yet, but may be a fun adventure mid summer. All … Continued
I was reading about the Intel NUC platform, and the OEM spinoffs of it like this one : http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16856164003 the Gigabyte BRIX. After looking over the specs, and price… I am pretty amazed. Anyone looking to lab stuff, or setup a … Continued