
Some pics from Mi

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Some pics from Microsoft Ignite 2015.     This was a pretty damn impressive 5 day conference.   If they had a motto for this event it would be “Cloudify All The Things!”

There was some great learning being had there, with every breakout session I was in packed to the door.  Seems more people are interested in Azure this year than there was in the previous years.  I remember being in these same kind of sessions 4 years ago and being one of 20 people in the room.

The event opened with some great energy with rapper Common opening the keynote, the MS CEO Satya Nadela talking for a bit, then presentation after presentation of some fun new tech.   There rest of the event followed as expected.  

The big announcements I took away from this even were:

Azure Stack – a one SKU product to bring Azure to your datacenter and give you truly cross cloud management and portability for workloads.   This succeeds the Windows Azure Pack.   The Azure Stack includes the compute, storage, management components all in its single stack.

Nano Server – a 146MB Server core.  This will run as the replacement for Windows Hyper-V server, and any light weight storage server.  Demos at Ignite showed a 3 node cluster running 3800 active VMs on Nano server with incredibly low overhead.   Makes 5GB ESXi seem portly.

OMS – Operations Management Suite  – Which looks kind of like the replacement to System Center going forward.   IT does more around management and control in Azure and OnPrem than System Center does for server workloads, and looks compelling.  This will be a key part of the Azure Stack.

Overall its awesome.  If you want to see a great video where Mark Minasi grills Mark Russinovich about the future of the cloud… watch this: https://channel9.msdn.com/Events/Ignite/2015/BRK2477

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