About this time last year I started planning for a trip around CO, so its only proper that I start planning a nice big trip this year.
Dates: 9/5 – 9/16 (some range in that time, expecting only 7 – 8 days in there).
Locations: Thinking Utah is going to be a destination, and in a perfect world I would love to make it down to Jerome, AZ to take in Maynards wines. I am all about seeing more National Parks, Zion, Canyon Lands, Bryce Canyon, Grand Canyon, and Arches in UT are high on my list. Really not sure how likely all of those are to be checked off the list, but it will be fun to plan it.
Not sure if I will plan to camp this run, or hotel it every day. Camping does have its perks (I met lots of interesting people last time), but if I plan to do some high mileage days hotel/motel may be more in order.
I have 99% of the gear I need for a long trip already, and the bike is in top shape for such a ride. I may push ahead with 2 high dollar items for the bike if I go in Sept. 1. new side bags with more capacity and not as leaky. 2. new Helmet (Shoei Neotec). Not sure either of those are required, but both would be nice. If I end up with some extra cash I may jump at both of those. I may look to pick up a GoPro 2 as well.
The new side bags would mean I wouldn’t need the Motofizz bag on the back of the bike for the trip, and I could work on rigging the rear top case forward even further to change its affects on the CoG on the bike.
Next steps: Route planning.
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