My first rough cut at a plan for a motorcycle trip this fall. Some info so far:
- 2150 Miles (as drawn, add about 100+ just due to going out of the way for stuff on the way, or detours)
- 9 days (as planned, could be more)
- Camping @ : CO National Monument, Bryce Canyon, Grand Canyon national parks
- Key places to visit (besides the national parks above): Jerome, AZ to visit Caduceus Cellars (which is the goal of this trip and the farthest point.), Arches National Park, Bridges National Park, Telluride, Glen Canyon, Canyonlands National Park, and a bunch of other stuff.
Some items I am pondering purchasing for the trip:
- Sena SMH-10 BT headset/comm for my helmet
- Hardwire/quick disconnect setup for my Givi Top box so I can charge items in that case while riding.
- Givi E41 side cases (and SW-Motec mounting hardware)
- Smaller dry sack for camping hardware to go on the seat to replace the MotoFizz and leave me more space on my seat.
- Some dealer maint on the bike for stuff I cant or do want to do myself: Coolant flush, and rear hub lube.
And most important, starting to work on cardio again to build up my endurance (and drop some weight), as most days on this ride cover more miles than my longest day on the last ride. Long rides + camping = exhaustion.
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