Hammered out all the maintenance tasks needed on the bike for the upcoming ride. Threw in some new Motul 300V oil, flushed and bled the brakes, inspected and lubed the chain, checked the suspension, set droop, checked and set the air in the tires, and checked the electrical system over. Now I have the Ballistic LiFe battery on a balance charger to clean it up a bit, and that should be it.
I was pretty impressed at how much life the oil that was in the bike seemed to have left, the 300V that was in it, was still green (the color it is when its new).
I have most of the camp gear packed as well, just need to get clothes sorted.
ohh… and I need to go to the DMV before I leave town on Tue… Ummm… forgot to renew my plates 🙁 DMV – the perfect way to start a vacation.
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