Late 2013 and now into 2014 is a time of drive for me. I am still doing the RC thing, but overall there are many bigger fish to fry coming up. Training/Exercising almost daily, dropping weight, getting stronger, eating better (primarily thanks to Kate!), and looking to push myself to do things I’ve never done before. RC will largely go on the back burner after April to focus over the summer on much more active pursuits.
I have been dabbling with Skiing, and have been on the hill more this year than I have all other times combined. I still suck, but I am having some fun at it. I am looking to do as much as I can outdoors, and out of my comfort zone as I can this year. So much to take in and do in CO that I haven’t seen yet.
This fall I am doing the Warrior Dash in August. In spring I am now planning to do a mountain biking trip in May to give a try at some basic trail riding as well. I haven’t been on a bike on trails since I was ~ 15. Another goal by the end of summer is to hike a 14’r. I am hoping that training for the Warrior Dash will get me where I need to be for that as well.
In addition to all this, my goal is to get on the motorcycle more and finally do the trip to Yellowstone/Wyoming/Bonneville Salt Flats I scrapped last year for RC. I truly miss those trips, and need to get this going sometime before Memorial Day. Kate and I are talking about a lot of travel this summer as well including a trip over to Italy to see family later this year.
2014 looks like a year of massive potential. Regardless of what I achieve, what setbacks I encounter, and what hurdles I need to overcome, I am going to make the most of it!
[I get how narcissistic this post may come off to some people, but as with everything on this blog, this is my scrapbook. This is just part of that commentary.]
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